Wowza! That's a lot of sketches! No, I'm not super productive and obsessively confined to constant scribbling in my worn and tired sketchbooks. In fact, just the opposite. I have merely been on a few months hiatus from updating, making a post like this quite overdue.
yesshhh akira sketches lol. this post should actually just be called "a cool pond painting and drawings of peter brown". nice work for reelz tho
Your sketches are always so lovely. Fun seeing Akira in there too! That dude can DRAW.
sweet stuff dude. I really love that painting spread. The light in the ripples of the water is gorgeous.
super fresh sketches here!
it's been ages since I've just sketches STUFF that wasn't some crude preps for an idea for a piece.. I miss it. these make me feel like I really need to get back on that horse.
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