Hey everyone! In the interest of maintaining a more regularly updated blog and in the hopes of bolstering my own research, I've decided to started posting about artists I'm looking at, books I've bought, and other happenings in my super-exciting-non-stop-thrill ride-action-adventure art life. Thus we begin.There is an amazing book store in Santa Monica by the name of Hennessy and Ingalls that has a massive collection of art books - both common and rare. I recently went to look up some artists which were recommended to me by Jose Villarrubia - I think my query was something along the lines of "a mix between realism, surrealism, and graphic elements". He came up with a nice list of artists, most of which seemed to be associated with the Symbolist movement. My knowledge of Symbolism is still cursory but one of the main points of the movement was a reaction to Realism. Specifically, that it restrained the artist from utilizing his inner vision. This seemed to hit home for me as I have always been struggling with melding observational images with those imagined. They also tended to be heavy with metaphor and implication, preferring to ask questions indirectly in their work.
Gustave Moreau - "Jupiter and Semele (detail), oil on canvas, 1894

Coincidentally, I stumbled upon Moreau while reading "2666" by
Roberto Bolaño. The design of this cover is just amazing. The intricacy and lushness of his images will keep you looking at them time and time again, always finding something new.
"Night, Atlantic Poem" oil on canvas, 1917 Néstor Martín-Fernández de la Torre

This image looks so modern! The design of the fish-monsters looks straight out of "The Punisher". I especially love the colors and luminosity. Even without knowing the context of the image there is a strong mood and implied narrative - qualities that are necessary to any good illustration.
Those guys are a tough act to follow but here are some recent sketches of mine. These images are super hi-res compared to my normal posts in case you are interested in seeing my pencil/pen work.

Next time, I'll be covering Hiroshige!
Moreau is one of my favorites. Nice sketchin' too.
Super hi-res sketches. mmmm
i've never read 2666, but if you haven't read savage detectives you need to
I'm thrilled you like moreau; he's so under-appreciated. Make sure you look up fernand khnopff as well!
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