The central focus of the article was about classic video games possibly being remade for current movement-based platforms like the Wii and the PS Move. My first idea focused on the idea of a video game factory that manufactured physical components of games - I chose Tetris specifically.

Alex didn't feel like there was enough emphasis on the actual movement associated with these new games and that my sketch seemed to be more about just re-making games so I tried out another idea.

This idea focused on a conductor deftly controlling a torrent of past video game characters/noticeable objects. Alex liked this one so I refined the idea.

From this point I dropped the sketch into PS and traced over it with some digital line work. Usually I prefer to have some trace of traditional media involved but the turnaround time was very short so I just stuck with the quicker approach. My process for this part is fairly straight forward digital coloring - a mixture of different layer properties for color effects, some textures, and some gradient action to push/pull emphasis. I can be more in depth about this part in the future if there is any interest.

Here's the final with a detail shot. Overall, I'm happy with how the piece turned out and it's always exciting to see your work in print. Thanks for reading!

You're way too good man, nice to see new stuff - inspiriiiiiiiing!!! ;>)
I really like both takes actually. but I suppose the purpose and feel of the article dictates which is most appropriate.
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